B'gosh 'n' b'golly, I haven't updated this thing in a while. And, in light of my "expanded readership"—howdy DK readers!—I suppose I should add
something. And I do have stuff to add now, as it's been a busy few weeks. So, onward! [Note: Firefox 2.0 on an Intel Mac sucks _____ (add your favorite dirty word/body part/whatever). Really. Really. Hard. Firefox folk, please, please, please fix the damn thing! Pinwheel of death is NOT fun!]
So, let's see... Ah, yes. The "wine thing," as my mom calls it (man, she's been confused by my drives/motivations for years now, and there's no signs of it getting better any time soon; but I give her mad props: she supports me as best she can in my endeavors. Love ya, mom! :), has been going
really well; I was totally sweating my WSET Intermediate Wine Certification exam. It was like I'd built Mr. Peabody's
WABAC (that's "wayback" to you & me) machine and was taking an exam in high school: thought I'd completely screwed the pooch in the exam, only to find that I'd not only passed, but earned marks
with distinction! So, I've now signed up for the advanced cert class, which starts January 11th. I'm friggin' psyched!
I've also started working part-time at a boutique wine shop in
Clinton Hill called Olivino's. It's a great little wine shop; nice selection of wines, cool customers, cool coworkers. Overall, very nice. And I deeply appreciate that they took me on, considering I have no wine sales experience and my palette's COMPLETELY different from anyone that works in the shop. Yes, yes, all palettes are indeed different, but it seems to me that, as with anything, there are some basic similarities in what/how people taste and that like people come to hang with like. Just like with movies, music, literature or food, people tend to come together in their similar tastes. And mine are just, well, not the same as the people I work with. Mostly. But it's cool and they're very interested in and appreciative of my tastes. And I've started to get a bit of a following with some people in my suggestions, so I suppose I've added a new dimension to the clientele or, at the very least, steering folks towards stuff that they like. Which is hella cool!
In job news, I've got some offers in and am just trying to figure out where I'm gonna land. There's a job I'd really like to take, but the offer for it hasn't come in yet. I'm doin' an interview
later today—man, its late at night/early in the morning right now!—that will hopefully cement an offer, but whatever, I'll be employed before the end of the year and that rocks! I'll finally be able to begin my master plan, as well as move and change my scene/scenery. I've been building and building towards changing my life completely and making it more about doing what I
want/love to do and the table's finally getting set. I can't wait!
It's really amazing to me what a different person I've become over the past year: much, much more positive, aware of what I want pretty much for the first time I can remember (man,I remember being a kid and wanting to be a marine biologist; what a long way off I was then and up until recently!) and finally able to affect changes that can get me there. So awesome! Everyone should try it!!!
And, on that note, I'm Audi 5000 for now. Love, peace, hair grease!